Content area

The style guide is specific to each site, so please be sure you are viewing the correct one at [yourdomain] (ex:

Your style guide is a how-to resource that will help you to determine what features you can incorporate into your website and how to implement them. It provides you with the ability to customize your pages and visually enhance your content for a better user experience.

There are a variety of options available to use depending on your needs, but you can explore the menu to decide which items would fit best when adding or editing your pages. Some experience with basic html is beneficial and will help when incorporating some of the features into your site.

We do offer a CMS self-paced web training that covers how to edit and manage the content on your site. This training is required for university staff.

Basic text formatting

These HTML classes are available for formatting paragraph or span elements. Add class="text-lg", replacing "text-lg" with any of the names in the list below.

  • font-normal
  • font-bold
  • italic
  • text-sm
  • text-base
  • text-lg
  • text-xl

<h1> Heading level 1

Heading level 1 is the title of the webpage. This is only used once per page. Content creators should focus on heading level 2 - heading level 6 on their webpages.

<h2> Heading level 2

Heading level 2 contains a primary section of content. All heading text should be brief, clear, informative and unique. Headings should not be utilized to format content. There can be multiple heading 2’s on a page.

<h3> Heading level 3

Heading level 3 is a subsection of a heading level 2. All heading text should be brief, clear, informative and unique. Headings should not be utilized to format content. There can be multiple heading 3’s on a page but they must be under the content of a heading level 2 and related to the content of a heading level 2.

<h4> Heading level 4

Heading level 4 is a subsection of a heading level 3. All heading text should be brief, clear, informative and unique. Headings should not be utilized to format content. There can be multiple heading 4’s on a page but they must be under the content of a heading level 3 and related to the content of a heading level 3.

<h5> Heading level 5

Heading level 5 is a subsection of a heading level 4. These are not common and we do recommend restructuring your content if you get to a heading level 5. You may want to create a new page or condense your information.

<h6> Heading level 6

Heading level 6 is a subsection of a heading level 5. These are not common and we do recommend restructuring your content if you get to a heading level 6. You may want to create a new page or condense your information.

Unordered lists

  • Repellat qui eum consequatur iste incidunt ullam quos.
  • Qui odio dolorem ut quo sit.
  • Aliquam aliquam doloribus ut.
    • Laudantium commodi quisquam non deleniti praesentium placeat.
    • Et et inventore delectus qui cum commodi modi.
      • Consequatur nostrum minus similique voluptas.
      • Maiores et doloribus exercitationem aut.
  • Aut maxime dolor hic quam quia repellendus nesciunt.
  • Voluptatem ullam repellendus ratione est praesentium magnam suscipit.
  • Iure repellendus rerum exercitationem qui.

Ordered lists

  1. Ut nostrum laboriosam saepe rerum.
  2. Minima saepe vero illum possimus.
  3. Ullam quis maiores ut autem numquam.
    1. Laboriosam error magnam a et rerum.
    2. Harum magnam quasi architecto vero facere ut aliquid ut.
      1. Voluptatem quam dolores tempore.
      2. Et ab qui qui dolorem aperiam delectus dolore.
  4. Distinctio provident officia quaerat.
  5. Nihil laborum rerum cupiditate sit corrupti.
  6. Pariatur eos numquam et ad nam.

Policy lists

  1. Nobis assumenda consequuntur voluptatem suscipit.
  2. Assumenda dolores est vero et optio.
  3. Fugit quas sed et ea reprehenderit ullam enim.
    1. Porro culpa aut ut reprehenderit laudantium.
    2. Voluptatum earum porro suscipit occaecati beatae cumque.
      • At eligendi non amet sit.
      • Ut quas et blanditiis magnam sit consequatur.
        • Sit sit quod consequatur corrupti ut commodi vel.
        • Est aut autem et laboriosam.


Nobis est officia repellendus est aut. Voluptatem delectus in ut sit nam voluptatibus voluptate alias. Sequi nemo sed voluptas distinctio fugiat rem illum. Velit sit recusandae doloribus qui rerum. Fugiat libero quia natus. Rerum qui non est qui et laboriosam laudantium inventore. Dolor qui repellendus voluptatem aliquid.

“Culpa est ad est sequi. Expedita animi animi expedita. Adipisci dolorum sed natus animi adipisci reprehenderit ut quidem. Consequatur excepturi et eum optio. Beatae fugit commodi sit totam nam fugit.”

— Chandler Schmeler

Maxime id autem maxime vitae ipsam ullam vel reiciendis. Delectus dolorem sequi qui voluptatem aspernatur facilis. Nobis ut harum rerum architecto iusto beatae libero. Non temporibus doloremque omnis eum omnis consectetur perspiciatis. Saepe velit consectetur omnis sed laudantium nam.

PDF links

Links to PDFs will automatically append the file type to the end of the link. Example: download brochure.
