Style guide
The Wayne State University style guide sets standards for words, phrases and information frequently used in Wayne State communications. Please consult the the latest Associated Press Stylebook or Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed.) for style points that are not addressed here.
You are always welcome to email Chris Williams with any questions or suggestions for additions to this guide.
A. Paul Schaap Chemistry Building and Lecture Hall
Academic/Administrative Building
The abbreviation AAB may be used on subsequent references.
academic degrees
Only list academic degrees after a name if they are doctoral degrees, such as Ph.D. or DNP. Degrees do not need to be listed if someone has a doctorate, but are allowed if desired based on context.
Only individuals holding M.D.s should be referred to as doctor.
There is no need to use the word degree after bachelor's, master's or doctorate.
In text, it is preferable to spell out the degree rather than use the acronym.
- She earned her master's in 2008.
Use periods in academic degree acronyms. Popular acronyms include:
- B.A. bachelor of arts
- B.F.A. bachelor of fine arts
- B.S. bachelor of science
- B.S.N. bachelor of science in nursing
- B.S.W. bachelor of social work
- Ed.D. doctor of education
- Ed.S. education specialist
- J.D. juris doctor
- LL.M. master of laws
- M.A. master of arts
- M.A.T. master of arts in teaching
- M.B.A. master of business administration
- M.D. doctor of medicine
- M.Ed. master of education
- M.F.A. master of fine arts
- MLIS (no periods) master of library and information science
- M.S. master of science
- M.S.W. master of social work
- Pharm.D. doctor of pharmacy
- Ph.D. doctor of philosophy
- RN (no periods) registered nurse
Please note: Use associate degree, not associate's.
academic year
Hyphenate, dropping the repeated digits: 2024-25.
A six-character alphanumeric username assigned to each member of the Wayne State community.
Always spell out on first reference. Follow spelled-out version with abbreviation in parentheses only if acronym will be used in same document.
- The School of Information Sciences (SIS) is one of the oldest archival education programs in the country. SIS offers a range of graduate-level degree and certificate programs.
Adams Field
Spell out Avenue, Drive, Street, etc.
Use full state name, per AP, in running copy. No state is required with Detroit or other dateline cities (see AP Stylebook).
- He is a resident of Southfield, Michigan.
- The package came from Detroit.
Use postal state abbreviations (e.g., MI, CT, NH) in full address blocks.
- Marketing and Communications
3100 Academic/Administrative Building
5700 Cass Avenue
Detroit, MI 48202
Although adviser was WSU style for many years, we've conceded to the more popular spelling for consistency's sake.
African American (n., adj.)
Do not hyphenate.
All-American (n.), All-America (adj.)
alumna, alumnus, alumnae, alumni
Alumna refers to a female graduate.
Alumnus refers to a male graduate.
Alumnae refers to a group of all female graduates.
Alumni refers to a group of mixed sex or all male graduates.
alumni designation
Designate alumni with abbreviated class year following name (no comma). Be sure the apostrophe is pointing in the correct direction (away from the number).
- Peter Gibbons '67
For undergraduate degrees, school or college may be abbreviated before the year.
- Mary Contrary, CLAS '99
For graduate degrees, degree type may be included before the year.
- John MacElder, Ph.D. '04
If an individual earned both undergraduate and graduate degrees from WSU, use degree type (not school/college) before years.
- Colleen Hayes, B.A. '99, Ph.D. '05
ampersand (&)
Always spell out and. Use the ampersand only if it is part of an organization's official name.
area codes
Do not put parentheses around area codes. Use hyphens, not periods
- 313-577-8155
Use the following constructions to reference the Wayne State University Department of Athletics:
- Department of Athletics
- Athletics Department
- WSU (or Wayne State) Athletics
Hyphenate school names when describing a game.
- Friday's WSU-Purdue Northwest game
associate degree
Not associate's.
On first reference, include Wayne State University.
- Wayne State University's STEM Innovation Learning Center
- The STEM Innovation Learning Center at Wayne State University
Banner ID
A nine-character personal identification number assigned to every member of the Wayne State community.
Board of Governors
- Shirley Stancato, chair
- Bryan C. Barnhill II, vice chair
- Danielle Atkinson
- Michael Busuito
- Marilyn Kelly
- Anil Kumar
- Terri Lynn Land
- Kimberly Andrews Espy, ex officio
- EEO statement: Wayne State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
- Disability statement: People with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this program should contact (insert department name and phone number).
- General WSU boilerplate: Wayne State University is a premier urban research institution offering approximately 375 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to nearly 24,000 students.
- Research: Wayne State University is one of the nation's preeminent public research universities in an urban setting. Through its multidisciplinary approach to research and education, and its ongoing collaboration with government, industry and other institutions, the university seeks to enhance economic growth and improve the quality of life in the city of Detroit, state of Michigan and throughout the world. For more information about research at Wayne State University, visit
- Research/Carnegie: Wayne State University is one of only three universities in Michigan to receive the Carnegie Classification of Institution of Higher Education's classification of doctoral university: very high research activity.
Bonstelle Theatre
- the Wayne State University Bookstore
- the WSU Bookstore
- Wayne State's bookstore
- the bookstore
Carnegie classification
Wayne State has earned the classification of doctoral university: very high research activity by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. Wayne State has also received Carnegie's Community Engagement classification.
centers and institutes
Please refer to the official list:
City of Detroit
Capitalize City only when referring to the government entity.
class years
Capitalize when referring to a specific graduating class (e.g., the Class of 2024).
College of Education
Dean: Denise Taliaferro Baszile
College of Engineering
Dean: Ali Abolmaali
College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts
Dean: Hasan Elahi
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Dean: Stephanie Hartwell
College of Nursing
Dean: Ramona Benkert
College to Career
In a list, do not use a comma before the final item, unless that item contains a conjunction.
- Our flag is red, white and blue.
- The barbeque is sponsored by the Dean of Students Office, the Office of the President, and the Office of Special Events and Services.
Capitalize Commencement when used on its own; lowercase commencement ceremonies and similar activities.
course titles
Capitalize course titles. Do not use italics or quotation marks.
- I signed up for Introduction to Microbiology.
Do not use credit hours.
Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights
Dan Zowada Memorial Observatory
David Adamany Undergraduate Library
Undergraduate Library or UGL may be used on second reference.
David J. Lowrie Geology Mineral Museum
- Richard A. Bierschbach, Law School
- Paul Bracke, University Library System, including the School of Information Sciences
- Amanda Bryant-Friedrich, Graduate School
- Elena Past, Irvin D. Reid Honors College (interim)
- Brian Cummings, Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
- Virginia Franke Kleist, Mike Ilitch School of Business
- Ali Abolmaali, College of Engineering
- Denise Taliaferro Baszile, College of Education
- Stephanie Hartwell, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Sheryl Kubiak, School of Social Work
- Ramona Benkert, College of Nursing
- Wael Sakr, School of Medicine
- Hasan Elahi, College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts
Please note: Unless otherwise directed, we don't refer to interim deans as such in major external documents, only in internal communications.
Do not use an apostrophe before the s when referring to decades:
- the 1960s
- the '60s
(1960's refers to something belonging to the year 1960.)
Capitalize official names of departments. Lowercase department when not part of the official name.
- Department of History
- history department
- I joined the department in 2017
In running copy, Detroit can stand alone without denoting its location in Michigan. When calling it downtown Detroit or when downtown stands alone, lowercase downtown.
Detroit Medical College
The founding college of Wayne State University, established in 1868. Do not use Detroit College of Medicine when referring to our founding school, as that was formed in 1885 with the merger between Detroit Medical College and Michigan College of Medicine.
do's and don'ts
Disability statement
People with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this program should contact (insert department name and phone number).
WSU divisions include:
Executive Administration
Executive Office of the President
Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Schools and Colleges
Office of the General Counsel
Office of Government and Community Affairs
Marketing and Communications
Chief of Staff
Development and Alumni Affairs
Finance and Business Operations
Division of Research & Innovation
University Library System
Doctoral degrees are the only ones to be listed following a name (e.g., Roberto Romero, M.D.). Degrees do not need to be listed if someone has a doctorate but are allowed if desired based on context. Only M.D.s (not Ph.D.s) may take the title Dr. in publications.
On second reference, the abbreviation Dr. may precede the name (e.g., Dr. Romero). Do not use both Dr. and M.D. in the same construction (Dr. Roberto Romero, M.D., is redundant).
Equal Opportunity statement
Wayne State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
No hyphen. Use Esports if beginning a sentence.
Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Dean: Brian Cummings
WSU Applebaum may be used on second reference..
Not FAQs.
Facilities Planning and Management
Faculty is a collective noun referring to a group of faculty members and takes singular verbs.
- The faculty has assembled.
When writing about an individual, use faculty member.
Faculty/Administration Building
The abbreviation FAB may be used on subsequent references.
Fall Opening
The official name for 2024 events including FestiFall and New Student Convocation.
file name
first-year student(s)
A first-year student has never attended any college for credit. Even if a student completed college courses during high school, they are still considered a first-year student. This term is preferred over "freshman" and "freshmen."
We follow AP's lead in using flyer as the term for handbills.
Lowercase the names of forms:
- registration form
- transfer request form
fundraising, fundraiser
One word, no hyphen, in all cases.
Gold 'n' Greens
Please note: Both apostrophes around the n should curve toward Gold. They represent the missing letters in and.
Gordon H. Scott Hall of Basic Medical Science
Scott Hall is acceptable on subsequent references.
Gordon L. Grosscup Museum of Anthropology
grade point average (GPA)
It is fine to use GPA on first reference.
Graduate School
Dean: Amanda Bryant-Friedrich
Capitalize when referring to WSU's official Graduate School.
The generic term is lowercased: He decided to go to graduate school.
Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (GLIAC)
Most WSU teams belong to this conference. In contexts where the athletic emphasis is understood, use GLIAC.
green space
handheld (n.), hand-held (adj.)
If a quote is included in a headline, use single quote marks (not double).
Use numerals in all cases, even if less than 10 and even if it begins the headline.
Use sentence-style capitalization (e.g., do not capitalize every word), and follow this style for website titles and menu items. Present tense is always preferable to the infinitive in headlines.
- 4 professors win service awards
- Wayne State hosts lecture by Gloria Steinem (not to host)
health care
Unless it is part of a proper name, health care is always two words, even as an adjective (e.g., health care workers).
Henry Ford College (HFC)
Hilberry Gateway
Do not precede Inc. with a comma unless you know the source prefers it.
Integrative Biosciences Center
Abbreviate as IBio.
Irvin D. Reid Honors College
Dean: Elena Past (interim)
On second reference, the Honors College is acceptable.
Jackson College
John R
Do not precede Jr. with a comma unless you know the source prefers it.
Kimberly Andrews Espy
When referencing the president's name and title in printed communications, use stacked lines as follows:
Dr. Kimberly Andrews Espy
In first reference of a press release or other internal communications, use Dr. Kimberly Andrews Espy, president of Wayne State University for lead sentences. After the university has been referenced, use President Kimberly Andrews Espy. On subsequent references, use President Espy or Dr. Espy. Avoid using Espy without the honorific.
In a photo cutline or video lower thirds, use stacked lines:
Dr. Kimberly Andrews Espy
President, Wayne State University
This is AP's preferred spelling of the Indian city Calcutta.
Law School
Dean: Richard A. Bierschbach
Always capitalize Law School when referring WSU's Law School. On second reference, Wayne Law is also acceptable.
letter grades
Do not italicize or place in quotation marks.
- She earned three As and one B.
Living Learning Communities
login (n.), log in (v.)
log off (v.)
log on (v.), log-on (n., adj.)
M. Roy Wilson State Hall
State Hall may be used on second reference.
Macomb Community College
On second use, Macomb is acceptable. Do not use MCC.
Marvin I. Danto Engineering Development Center
master class
Matthaei Physical Education Center
Do not use Athletics Complex.
McGregor Memorial Conference Center
Use McGregor Center or the center on subsequent references. Do not use McGregor alone.
Media is the plural form of medium and should be used with plural verbs.
- The media are attending the event.
metro Detroit
Never use 12 a.m.
Midtown, Midtown Detroit
Mike Ilitch School of Business
Dean: Virginia Franke Kleist
On first reference, Mike Ilitch School of Business, the Wayne State University Mike Ilitch School of Business and the Mike Ilitch School of Business at Wayne State University are acceptable. Ilitch School of Business or the Ilitch School are acceptable on subsequent reference. Do not use acronyms or abbreviations.
Use $12, not $12.00. Use $12 million, not $12,000,000.
Abbreviate the month in dates.
- Oct. 23, 2018
Use the full month name when it stands alone or with only a year.
- My favorite month is August.
- We met in November 2021.
Mort Harris Recreation and Fitness Center (RFC)
On second reference, the fitness center or the RFC are appropriate.
Use full name (first and last) on first reference. Use last name for subsequent references.
- James H. Rigby is chair of the Department of Chemistry. Rigby's specialty is organic chemistry.
Use Jr., III, Sr., etc. only with the full name. Precede/follow with a comma only if the individual prefers it.
- Edward Ewell Jr. is a member of the Alumni Board. Ewell is a circuit court judge.
Use middle initial only if the individual prefers it.
Do not follow names with degrees, unless they are doctoral degrees. Degrees do not need to be listed if someone has a doctorate, but are allowed if desired based on context.
If a nickname is used following a person's name, place it in quotation marks. Nicknames used in place of a first name do not need quotation marks.
- Mandell "Bill" Berman
- Bill Berman
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
In contexts where the athletic emphasis is understood, use NCAA.
New Student Orientation
On second reference, orientation is acceptable.
Never use 12 p.m.
Spell out one through nine. Use numerals for 10 and greater.
Spell out numbers when they begin a sentence.
Always use numerals with percentages.
- Our enrollment increased 5%.
Oakland Community College (OCC)
Capitalize official names of offices. Lowercase office when not part of official name.
- Office of the Registrar
- the Registrar's office
- Dean of Students Office
- The office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Do not use superscript.
Use numerals when the ordinal is 10th or higher.
- This is the fourth time I've called.
- Welcome to the 21st century.
parking lots and structures
Capitalize Structure and Lot when followed by the number of the parking area. Lowercase if used generically.
Do not include Parking in the name of the parking area unless the name of the lot stands alone (e.g., on a map).
Do not use the pound sign (#) before the number of the parking area.
Do not spell out numerals designating parking areas, even if they are less than 10.
- Parking is available in Structure 1.
- Please park in Lot 32.
- Wayne State has eight parking structures.
Always use numerals with percentages.
Use % after the numeral.
Use a single space after a period at the end of a sentence.
phone numbers
Do not put parentheses around area codes. Use hyphens, not periods.
- 313-577-8155
photo captions
Captions may be complete sentences or fragments.
Spot directions should be in parentheses. If two people are in a photo, it is only necessary to use one spot direction. A caption should never begin with spot directions.
- Company founders (from left) Miller, Davis and Cantor meet once each year.
- Lily Tomlin (left) and Jane Fonda discuss economic inequality and how Michiganders can take action.
photo credits
When used, photo credits should be set vertically along the top right edge of the photograph.
Speakers stand on a podium and at a lectern.
post-master's certificate
Prosperity Agenda
The Prosperity Agenda is an organizing framework that bridges directly to the Wayne State community and supports the university's progress toward achieving it strategic plan goals. It is supported by three pillars:
- Accelerate Mobility for Our Students.
- Empower Health for Our Urban Neighborhoods.
- Fuel Innovation for Our Competitiveness.
For more information, visit the president’s website.
University leadership
- Kimberly Andrews Espy, president
- Laurie Lauzon Clabo, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs
- Boris Baltes, senior vice provost for faculty affairs and academic personnel
- Linda Beale, president of the Academic Senate
- Bernard J. Costello, senior vice president for health affairs
- Charles Cotton, vice provost for strategic enrollment
- Rob Davenport, associate vice president for facilities planning and management
- Ahmad M. Ezzeddine, senior vice provost for partnerships, workforce and international initiatives
- Darryl Gardner, vice provost for student success, support and engagement
- Bethany Gielczyk, senior vice president for finance and business affairs, chief financial officer, and treasurer
- Carolyn P. Hafner, associate vice president and chief human resources officer
- Patrick O. Lindsey, vice president for government and community affairs
- Julie H. Miller, university secretary and executive officer to the Board of Governors
- Ezemenari Obasi, vice president for research and innovation
- Donyale Padgett, interim vice provost for inclusive excellence
- Taunya Phillips, assistant vice president for technology commercialization
- Michael Poterala, vice president and general counsel
- David Ripple, vice president for development and alumni affairs, and president of the Wayne State University Foundation
- Mark Schweitzer, M.D., vice president for health affairs and special associate to the president and provost for public health planning
- Melissa Smiley, chief of staff and university relations officer
- Ned Staebler, vice president for economic development and president of TechTown
- Rob Thompson, chief information officer and acting vice president for enterprise planning and operational excellence
- Erika Wallace, director of athletics
Please visit to view the full list of University Leadership Council members.
professor emeritus
Purdy/Kresge Library
quotation marks
Quotation marks should always appear curved ("smart"), never straight.
All punctuation should appear inside the quotation marks.
- You should read Maya Angelou's poem "Still I Rise."
Richard J. Mazurek, M.D., Medical Education Commons
RN (registered nurse)
Do not use periods in this abbreviation.
Saint Clair County Community College (SC4)
satellite campuses
Wayne State has three satellite campuses:
- Advanced Technology Education Center (ATEC)
- Schoolcraft Center
- University Center - Macomb
Schoolcraft College
On second use, Schoolcraft is acceptable.
School of Information Sciences
Dean: Paul Bracke
School of Medicine
Dean: Wael Sakr, M.D.
School of Social Work
Dean: Sheryl Kubiak
schools and colleges
The official names are:
- College of Education
- College of Engineering
- College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS)
- College of Nursing
- Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (WSU Applebaum may be used on second reference)
- Irvin D. Reid Honors College (on second reference, the Honors College is acceptable)
- Graduate School
- Law School (always with initial caps; on second reference, Wayne Law is acceptable)
- Mike Ilitch School of Business (on second reference, Ilitch School of Business or the Ilitch School are acceptable)
- School of Information Sciences
- School of Medicine
- School of Social Work
Spell out on first reference, and then use the school, the college or abbreviations on subsequent references.
If context is required, include Wayne State University in one of two ways:
- The Wayne State University School of Medicine
- Wayne State University's School of Medicine
Lowercase the school or the college when not part of full name.
The official list:
Use instead of term.
Always lowercase both semester and seasonal words.
- Register now for fall 2024
- the spring 2024 semester
Southeast Michigan
But western Michigan, southwest Detroit, Detroit's east side
Wayne State sponsors 18 varsity sports teams, including two that compete at the NCAA Division I level (men's and women's fencing). The additional 16 sports are baseball, football, men's and women's golf, softball, men's and women's basketball, men's and women's swimming/diving, men's and women's tennis, women's volleyball, and women's indoor/outdoor track.
Staff is a collective noun referring to a group of staff members, and it takes singular verbs.
- The office staff leaves at 5 p.m.
When writing about an individual, use staff member.
St. Andrew's
state names
Spell out in running copy, per AP Style. Use postal state abbreviations (e.g., MI, CT, NH) in full address blocks. Abbreviate state names when they appear with a city. Do not abbreviate them when they appear alone.
- I've always wanted to travel to Palm Springs, California.
- Would you like to take a road trip to Vermont?
State of Michigan
Capitalize State only when referring to the governmental entity. Otherwise, avoid using state, or lowercase if state is necessary:
- I live in Michigan.
- I live in the state of New York.
- I live in Washington state. (Washington State is the name of a university.)
Per AP, using the abbreviation on first reference for science, technology, engineering and math is acceptable as long as the full phrase is spelled out shortly thereafter (no need to put it in parentheses immediately following the abbreviation).
Student Center Building
Student Center or SCB are acceptable on subsequent references.
The preferred spelling is theatre. Always check the formal name, however, and use the official spelling for each venue.
The District Detroit
The South End
Although this was italicized for several years, we are no longer italicizing it in accordance with how we style other newspapers.
Use a.m. and p.m., lowercase with periods.
Times on the hour should not include :00.
Use noon and midnight (never 12 p.m. or 12 a.m.).
For spans, use the word to rather than a dash in running copy. Dashes may be used in posters or on time spans that stand alone. Example:
- The event runs from 4 to 6 p.m.
State the time of an event in the following order: time, day, date.
- 1 p.m. Thursday, May 23, 2024
titles, professional
Do not use Dr. except for medical doctors (M.D.s).
Capitalize titles if they appear directly before the name. Otherwise, lowercase.
- Professor of History David Weinberg
- David Weinberg, professor of history
- Dean of the College of Engineering Ali Abolmaali
- Ali Abolmaali, dean of the College of Engineering
Do not use courtesy titles (e.g., Mr., Mrs., etc.).
titles, things
Italicize the titles of the following:
- books
- magazines (including scholarly and research journals)
- movies
- long musical compositions (e.g., symphonies, operas)
- plays
- podcast series
- television series
Place the following titles in quotation marks:
- articles
- chapter titles
- podcast episode titles
- poems
- short stories
- songs
Official titles of courses should be capitalized.
- I'm taking Biology 101.
- I'm taking a biology class.
Titles of offices should be capitalized only in official construction.
- the Department of Chemistry; the chemistry department
- They are majoring in chemistry.
Titles of courses should be capitalized.
Do not italicize titles of newspapers.
Not towards.
United States (n.), U.S. (adj.)
Lowercase in all instances.
University of Michigan (U-M)
Upper Peninsula
Do not include http:// or www. unless those prefixes are required when the URL is typed into browser. URLs should always be lowercase.
Washtenaw Community College (WCC)
Wayne County Community College District (WCCCD)
Wayne Health Mobile Unit
Wayne Law
Refers to the Law School.
Wayne State Fieldhouse
Wayne State Libraries
- Purdy/Kresge Library
- David Adamany Undergraduate Library
- Shiffman Medical Library
- Arthur Neef Law Library
- Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
Wayne State University
Use Wayne State University on first reference. Wayne State can be used on second reference, along with WSU (though please be mindful of this for SEO purposes). Never use Wayne by itself when referring to the university.
Wayne State University Alumni Association
Use WSUAA or alumni association on second reference.
Wayne State University Natural History Museum
Wayne State University Planetarium
Wayne State University Police Department (WSUPD)
WDET-FM 101.9
Use WDET on subsequent references.
When referring to the internet.
work flow
WSU OPEN (Opportunity, Partnership, Engagement and Network) is a new initiative to streamline and expand partnerships between Wayne State and corporations, nonprofits and governmental organizations.
Year of Focus
year spans
Hyphenate, dropping the repeated digits: 2024-25.