Event categories
When adding an event to the calendar, you are able to select from a list of categories via a dropdown option. There is a large range of various categories to align with your event, so be sure to select the most appropriate option. All events are limited to a single category.
- Career/Job - career fairs, company visits, resume workshops or any other events offering job opportunities or career development
- Ceremony/Recognition - includes commencement, celebrations, award ceremonies
- Community/Service - this is for opportunities to interact with our larger Detroit or Michigan community as well as opportunities to participate in community service projects or activities
- Conference - formal meeting for discussion, professional or topical meetings, may be annual or one-time occasions
- Exam - final exams, dissertation defenses, preliminary and qualifying exams, placement or competency exams, admission exams, etc.
- Fitness/Exercise - informal sport or exercice opportunity, walks, runs, etc.
- Fundraising - activity or opportunity to gather donations or funding
- Grand rounds - presentation of medical issue and treatment by and to medical professionals and students
- Housing - events related to campus housing, such as move-in or first-year resident events
- K-12 program - summer camp, STEM day, AP day, any opportunity for kindergarten through high school students
- Lecture - speaker on any topic
- Meal/Food/Beverages - breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, happy hour, snack break, etc.
- Meeting
- Movie/Film - film screening, movie night
- Orientation - session to orient new students to campus, housing or anything else new
- Other - catch-all if nothing else fits your event
- Panel/Discussion - panel presentation or discussions of any topic
- Reception - game night, video games, etc.
- Recruiting - information session, programming for prospective students and/or parents
- Reminder/Deadline - academic calendar dates, deadlines to apply for graduation, registration reminder, etc.
- Seminar - research talk, or other opportunity to learn something in-depth
- Show/Exhibition - concert, recital, play, theater, performance, artwork display, photography display, includes openings
- Special event - unique or major events organized by special events staff
- Sporting event - football, fencing, tennis, baseball, golf, swimming and diving, soccer, track and field, volleyball or any other athletic event
- Student activity - student organization meetings or events, SpringFest, Festifall, or any other student-focused activity
- Support/Well-being - support groups, events focused on well-being, meditation, nutrition
- Symposium/Showcase - research symposia, design showcase
- Tour - tour of campus, department, building, etc.
- Training - activity focused on learning a new skill or refining an existing one
- Workshop - hands-on activity