QR code usage

Requesting a WSU-branded QR code

Requests for a QR code can come to web@wayne.edu. We require the following information:

  1. Full URL
  2. Preferred short url label (go.wayne.edu/something) - URLs can only be used once, include the context of the item in the name, example: "md-apply", "explore-nursing"
  3. Campaign name - Overarching grouping of multiple promotional activities
  4. Medium - What medium will contain this QR code? Example: "Poster", "Table tent", "Postcard"
  5. Source - (optional) This will be filled in automatically, "link" for the Go URL and "qr" for the QR code to separate the traffic in analytics

Ideal QR code and Go URL placement

With any QR code on campus, we have a standard display requirement to ensure consistency.

Screenshot of a QR code with a Go URL under it